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Safeguarding the future of trees

  • Publish Date: Posted over 4 years ago
  • Author:by Emma

​Imagine a landscape without trees? No habitats for wildlife to roam, no natural resources, no sense of wonderment from their just being. We all rely on trees for oxygen, fruits, wood, water, medicines and soil nutrients to name but a few. 

Our wellbeing and that of trees could be intrinsically linked. Like humans, trees are more likely to become ill if they are neglected, stressed or run down. Pests and disease can be devastating.

It’s pretty obvious that we need to look after our natural habitats so we, and future generations, can enjoy the benefits of their existence.

Are there increased risks?

We know global travel has done much damage in terms of climate change and global trade has increased the movement of plant and wood products. As a result, different pests and diseases could arrive in the UK and potentially cause extensive longer-term damage to our trees and woodlands. Thankfully, plants imported to the UK now require ‘plant passports’ to ensure they’re safe to travel.

With climate change, warmer temperatures and extreme weather events all being prevalent, the risks to our trees or new pests, like insects and fungi not usually found in the UK, are greater. 

Forestry England suggests there are around 350 different pests listed on the UK Plant Health Risk Register that can affect trees. Their recent study found “168 of the 454 tree species native to Europe are threatened with extinction; 34 of these species are native to the UK”.

So, what can we do?

We have to take action. We have to ensure the health and wellbeing of our trees to ensure the health and wellbeing of ourselves.

Planting new trees and creating new areas of woodland, according to thestrict rules in place, is key. As is using the best seeds from the best trees so they grow strong and healthy.

How do we do it?

We need tree experts in place. From Arboriculturalists to Tree Surgeons, seedlings need to be nurtured by plant health and biosecurity specialists. On-going, trees need to be tended to ensure their long-term viability and to provide sustainable timber solutions. Scientists are needed to spot and treat disease and control the spread or pests to protect other trees. There’s a whole range of roles within the forestry sector that are vital to tree health and sustainability.

Caring for trees, spotting disease and damage, isn’t a nice to have. It’s a valid career choice. One that will no doubt become ever more important as we head towards 2050 net zero targets. 

Get on board now. Speak to Spencer at Allen & York about Land Design & Development roles. Call 01202 888986 or email: scooney@allen-york.comtoday if you’re looking for new hires or looking for a new role.
