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Has the pandemic changed travel?

  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago
  • Author:by Guest blogger: Vicky Smith, Earth Changers

Being locked down, people missed connection with each other, and outside.

They came to realise what they took for granted, such as travel, and hopefully will place a greater value on in future, such as the importance of community and nature.

Of course that might be only a short term values shift – we are seeing with ‘revenge travel’ the pent-up demand of some just wanting to ‘fly and flop’ mindlessly on a beach, anywhere. And others are still nervous to travel, largely because of political decisions and costs around quarantines.

But in the medium term – as countries level up vaccine inequality and Covid requirements standardise - it is expected to play out in the type of trips sought, proactively supporting others and environment, and enjoying more connection with family, nature, self and space.

The mainstream travel industry is finally shifting to more responsible tourism in response to consumer values and demand changing, including destinations’ tourist boards. Which is a profound change: had you asked them about sustainability before the pandemic, you would have been met most often with glazed looks.

Previously people thought sustainable tourism was ‘niche’ or ‘nice to have’. Now they are starting to understand it is the only future for travel - it has to be the default for resilience and survival – genuinely empowering the communities hosting tourism, proactively supporting them, their cultures and environments not just as ‘destinations’ but as our hosts’ homes.


About Earth Changers

We want to change the world through tourism.

We’re a curated collection of sustainable, regenerative accommodations and tour companies who use the power of tourism as a vehicle for sustainable development.

We feature life-changing places with world-changing people for extraordinary experiences with purpose, to help customers find and book trips that change the world.

We research, discern and curate partners based on impact, and connect you to them so your money and logistics empower directly in the destination (disclosure: they pay us a finder’s fee). You’ll also get a free sustainability extra for booking through us!

With some, you’ll just have an amazing holiday, safe in the knowledge you are contributing to true sustainable tourism; others might offer a behind the scenes tour, others still get more hands on helping, to experience the difference of sustainable development in action.

It’s challenging for holiday-makers to discern sustainable tourism - it’s not one thing and it’s an intangible service, much often behind the scenes, and very time-consuming.

This is where we step in to guide where not many other people can. 

Whether for personal trips, or corporate retreats, we have a little black book of amazing sustainable places. What better place to relax, get active, learn or talk about sustainability or corporate responsibility than a sustainable reserve, lodge or with social enterprise tours?

Founder Vicky’s been in sustainable tourism since the mid 00s and knows it end-to-end: hundreds of places all over the world, sadly not on the site yet because Covid shut down tourism trade for 2 years, but anyone is welcome to get in touch and ask for other destinations!

Do follow and connect for more info: